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methyl alcohol 甲醇,木醇。

methyl benzene

This homepage aims to help you understand all aspects of services that we provide including importexport clearance procedures in hong kong ; filing of complaints relating to consumer protection ; payment and refund of duties on liquors , tobacco , hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol ; customs and excise related licences and permits applications ; and lodgement of importexport declarations 本網頁旨在讓你知悉如何使用本部門所提供的服務,其中包括進出口清關手續,提出有關保障消費者權益事宜的投訴,繳付及退回應課稅貨品之稅款的程序,申請由海關負責簽發的牌照及許可證,和辦理進出口報關手續。

The fragments were ligated directly to the pichia pastrois expression vector ppic9 to got ppic9 - e3and ppic9 - e8 . vectors were amplificated in the e . coli dh5 a and were linearized with bgl ii . the linearized vctors were transformed into host strain gs115 . the recombinated strain was selected though phynotype and pcrthe positive strain was induced with methyl alcohol and was selected by dot - elisa . the recombinated protein was detected with sds - page and western - blot as before 重組菌用甲醇誘導表達,用dot - elisa的方法篩選到表達量較高的菌株。將篩選出的菌株大量的誘導表達,對表達上清處理后,用sds - page和western - blot進行鑒定。同時,用hiprep16 10heparinff肝素親和柱對表達蛋白進行了初步的純化。

Contributes to the stability and prosperity of the community . it provides services including importexport clearance procedures in hong kong , filing of complaints relating to consumer protection , payment and refund of duties on liquors , tobacco , hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol , customs and excise related licenses and permits applications and lodgment of importexport declarations 一直為社會的穩定及繁榮作出貢獻,提供的服務包括進出口清關手續,提出有關保障消費者權益事宜的投訴,繳付及退回應課稅貨品之稅款的程序,申請由海關負責簽發的牌照及許可證,和辦理進出口報關手續。

These years we have developed strongly acidic macroreticular catalysts based on styrene dvb . catalyst resin d006 for mtbe tame etbe , also as catalyst use for producing tba by isobutene hydration and direct producing gasoline with high octane rating by light gasoline etherification . d008 for sba ipa , also can be used for making methyl ethyl ketone by acetone one - stepping process , tert - butanol by isobutene hydration , etherified gasoline by the etherification of isopentene and isohexene in light gasoline with methyl alcohol , high 以上,增強了催化活性,從而延長了使用壽命,提高了周期產量二低溫活性好,選擇性強,提高了mtbe的純度,降低了雜質含量三在同樣裝置中,可增大負荷,提高產量,降低生產成本和費用。

Using mixture fuels of alcohols and diesel fuel can reduce the smoke emission of diesel engine , but it is very difficult that methyl alcohol mix with diesel fuel and ethyl alcohol can mix with diesel fuel provided there is little water in ethanol 柴油中摻燒一定量的甲醇或乙醇后能顯著降低其碳煙排放,但甲醇或乙醇與柴油直接混合很難形成穩定的或較穩定的混合液,所以需要加入其它的助劑。

And hot is sensitive to the light , the saponifiable hydrolisis becomes emerald in the thin lye the chlorophyllin , the phytol and the methyl alcohol , may assume darkly in the acid solution green to green brown escapes the magnesium chlorophyll 對光和熱敏感,在稀堿液中可皂化水解成鮮綠色的葉綠酸、葉綠醇及甲醇,在酸溶液中可呈暗綠至綠褐色脫鎂葉綠素

The 2 , 200 , 000 tons coking and 200 , 000 ton methyl alcohol projects has been replied by the lu pf 28th document of the provincial planning department , the province foreign trade hall in january , 2004 巨野縣220萬噸焦化及20萬噸甲醇項目,于2004年1月由省計委、省外貿廳以魯計外資2004 28號文批復。

However , there is duty on liquors , tobacco , hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol . this is prepaid by the seller and included in the price , so it often goes unnoticed 然而,酒類、煙草、碳氫油類及甲醇均須繳稅。該稅項由賣方預繳,并計入售價,因此通常不為人注意。

All dutiable commodities , including hydrocarbon oils , liquors , methyl alcohol and tobacco , being imported or exported , should be declared in the importexport statement 所有進出口的應課稅品,包括炭氫油類、酒、甲醇及煙草,必須申報于進出口陳述書內。

Methyl alcohol - - a poisonous chemical which , if misused in the manufacture of adulterated liquor , would cause death to any person consuming the liquor 甲醇有毒化學品,泛稱木醇,一旦利用作生產攙雜酒而飲用,可導致死亡。

In addition , in the chemical industry , hydrogen is used to produce ammonia , gasoline , methyl alcohol , and many other important products 除此之外,在化學工業中,氫被用來制造氨、汽油、甲醇以及其它許多重要產品。

The products such as chemical intermediate , methyl alcohol , synthetic ammonia , dimethyl carbonate and pvc resin are all being mainly developed 重點發展化學中間體、甲醇、合成氨、碳酸二甲脂、聚氯乙烯樹脂等。

For tobacco , hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol , duties are charged at specific rates per unit quantity 煙草、碳氫油類及甲醇之稅款乃按每單位數量之特定稅率繳付。

Goods that are subject to duty in hong kong are liquors , tobacco , hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol 進口酒類、煙草、碳氫油類及甲醇到香港均須繳付稅款。

Computer and ouality flowmeter to realize excellent methyl alcohol high - precision selling and measurement 用計算機和質量流量計實現精甲醇的精確銷售計量

The working solution is made by mixing 1 part of the stock solution with 6 to 8 parts of methyl alcohol 工作用液是1份儲備液和6 - 8份甲醇配成的。

These goods are liquors , tobacco , hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol . ( see 上述四類商品分別為酒類、煙草、碳氫油類及甲醇(詳見

Workplace air - determination of methyl alcohol - direct injection gas chromatographic method 車間空氣中甲醇的直接進樣氣相色譜測定方法

Workplace air - determination of methyl alcohol - thermal desorption gas chromatographic method 車間空氣中甲醇的熱解吸氣相色譜測定方法